Animals, chickens

Why Chickens Molt and How to Help Them Through

Imagine you’re strutting your stuff down the poultry runway, sporting your most fabulous feathers, and suddenly, they start falling out! This scenario isn’t just a chicken’s worst fashion nightmare; it’s a natural process known as molting. We’re going to dive into the world of chicken molting, discover why it happens, and learn how to help your feathered friends regain their beautiful plumage.

Feather Frustration: Why Do Chickens Molt?

Molting is like a seasonal makeover for chickens, and just like the leaves falling off trees in autumn, it’s all about rejuvenation. Here’s why those feathers need to hit the hay:

  1. Wear and Tear: Chickens wear their feathers like a badge of honor. Over time, feathers become damaged and lose their luster. Molting allows them to shed the old, worn-out feathers and replace them with fresh, fabulous ones.
  2. Seasonal Changes: Chickens molt in response to changes in daylight and temperature. The shorter days and cooler weather of fall trigger the molting process, helping chickens prepare for the winter ahead.
  3. Energy Conservation: Growing new feathers is no small feat; it requires a lot of energy. By molting when food is plentiful in late summer and early fall, chickens can invest their energy in feather regrowth without compromising their overall health.
  4. Feather Mites and Lice: Sometimes, molting can be a response to an infestation of feather mites or lice. Chickens shed their feathers to get rid of these pesky hitchhikers and grow new, parasite-free plumage.

How to Help Molting Chickens

Now that we know why chickens molt, let’s explore some ways to help them through this feathered frenzy:

  1. Warm, Dry Shelter: Providing your chickens with a cozy, warm coop is essential during molt. Make sure they have a draft-free space to rest and stay warm and dry.
  2. Pamper with Protein: Chickens need extra protein during molt to grow strong, healthy feathers. Treat them to some mealworms, black soldier fly larvae, or scrambled eggs. Another great option is to add black sunflower seeds to their feed as they are high in protein and vitamins.
  1. Flock Support Group: Chickens are social creatures, and molting can be a tough time emotionally. Make sure they have plenty of companionship and keep an eye out for bullying in the coop.
  2. Fluff and Feather Bedding: Soft, cozy bedding in the coop helps reduce stress on the skin and keeps your molting chickens comfortable. Hemp or pine shaving bedding works well.
  3. Feather-Boosting Supplements: Consider adding supplements like poultry vitamins or omega-3 fatty acids to their diet to support feather regrowth.
  4. Avoid unnecessary irritation: Growing new feathers can be painful so try not to handle molting chickens too much and make sure their flockmates aren’t picking on them.

Molting may leave your chickens looking a bit disheveled, but it’s all part of their natural feathered journey. With a little TLC and a few fun strategies, you can help your molting chickens feel fabulous during this transitional period. Before you know it, they’ll be flaunting their beautiful new feathers with pride. So, embrace the molting season, and remember, all chickens need a little extra love from time to time!

Animals, dogs

Pamper Your Pup: Natural Paw and Skin Care Recipes for Your Furry Friend!

Our four-legged companions deserve all the love and care in the world, and that includes taking care of their paws and skin. While there are plenty of commercial pet products out there, why not try some natural, DIY remedies that are not only effective but also fun to make? In this blog post, we’ll explore a collection of natural recipes to pamper your furry friend’s paws and skin. Let’s get started on the journey to happy and healthy pet paws!

1. Soothing Paw Balm


  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon shea butter
  • 1 tablespoon beeswax pellets
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 5-6 drops lavender essential oil


  1. In a double boiler, melt the coconut oil, shea butter, and beeswax pellets together.
  2. Once melted, remove from heat and stir in the olive oil and lavender essential oil (if using).
  3. Pour the mixture into small containers or silicone molds and allow it to cool and solidify.
  4. Apply a small amount to your dog’s paws for protection and moisture.

2. Oatmeal and Honey Dog Shampoo


  • 1 cup old-fashioned oats
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
  • 2-3 drops lavender essential oil


  1. Grind the oats in a food processor or coffee grinder to create a fine powder.
  2. Mix the oatmeal powder with warm water to create a paste.
  3. Stir in the honey, aloe vera gel, and lavender essential oil.
  4. Wet your dog’s fur, apply the shampoo, and massage it in.
  5. Rinse thoroughly, and your pup will have soft, clean skin.

3. Calming Chamomile Paw Soak


  • 4-5 chamomile tea bags or dried chamomile from your garden
  • 2 cups warm water


  1. Steep the chamomile tea bags in warm water until it cools to room temperature.
  2. Remove the tea bags and discard them.
  3. Pour the chamomile tea into a shallow basin.
  4. Gently dip your dog’s paws into the soothing soak for a few minutes.
  5. Pat the paws dry afterward and apply paw balm for extra soft paws

4. Coconut Oil Paw Massage


  • Extra virgin coconut oil


  1. Simply take a small amount of coconut oil in your hands and allow it to melt.
  2. Gently massage your dog’s paws, paying attention to dry or cracked areas.
  3. Coconut oil is safe for dogs to lick, so no need to worry if they try!

5. DIY Anti-Itch Spray


  • 1 cup distilled water
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
  • 2-3 drops lavender or tea tree essential oil


  1. Combine all the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well.
  2. Spray the mixture on itchy or irritated areas of your dog’s skin.
  3. Avoid spraying it in their eyes or sensitive areas.

6. Healing Lavender and Calendula Salve


  • 1/4 cup dried calendula flowers
  • 1/4 cup dried lavender flowers
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 1/4 cup beeswax pellets
  • 5-6 drops lavender essential oil


  1. Infuse the dried calendula and lavender flowers in olive oil for 1-2 weeks in a dark, cool place.
  2. Strain the infused oil into a clean glass jar.
  3. In a double boiler, melt the beeswax pellets and infused oil together.
  4. Remove from heat, stir in the lavender essential oil, and pour into containers.
  5. Apply this salve to your dog’s minor cuts, scrapes, or irritated skin.

Taking care of your furry friend’s paws and skin can be both nurturing and rewarding. These natural DIY recipes not only provide essential care but also strengthen the bond between you and your beloved pet. Whether you’re applying soothing paw balm or creating a calming chamomile paw soak, these natural remedies ensure that your pup’s skin and paws stay healthy, happy, and pampered!

Animals, chickens, Sustainability

Egg-citing Savings: How to Feed Your Chickens on a Budget

If you’re a proud chicken keeper, you already know that these feathered friends are the gift that keeps on giving – fresh, delicious eggs! However, keeping your cluckers happy and well-fed doesn’t have to break the bank. In this budget-friendly guide, we’ll show you how to feed your chickens without feathering out your wallet.

1. The Grain Train: Mixing Your Own Chicken Feed

One of the most cost-effective ways to feed your chickens is by creating your own feed mix. You can buy bulk grains like corn, wheat, and oats, which are typically less expensive than pre-made feeds. Mix these grains in ratios suitable for your chickens’ age and purpose (layers, broilers, etc.). Sometimes you can find local business that mix their own for a much better price than buying at a traditional feed store.

2. Garden Goodies: Let Your Chickens Do the Work

Chickens love to forage, and allowing them access to your garden or a designated area can significantly reduce your feed expenses. They’ll feast on weeds, insects, and even kitchen scraps like vegetable peels, fruit cores, and leftover bread.

3. Dumpster Diving for Chickens (Legally, of Course!)

Okay, maybe not diving, but dumpster diving for your chickens can be a fantastic way to score free or nearly free food for your flock. Visit your local bakery or grocery store to inquire about getting their food scraps, like stale bread or produce that’s past its prime. Your chickens will be thrilled with the variety!

One of our favorite things to do is get spent grain from local breweries. This can supplement the feed of our chickens and goats.

4. Egg-cellent Supplements: Nutritional Bonuses

Instead of purchasing expensive commercial supplements, look for budget-friendly alternatives. Crushed eggshells, for example, can provide calcium, while mixing in yogurt or cottage cheese offers an extra protein boost. Plus, it’s a fun treat for your feathered friends!

5. Shop Smart: Find Deals and Discounts

Keep an eye out for sales and discounts at your local feed store or online. Buying in bulk can also save you money in the long run. Just ensure you have proper storage to keep your feed fresh and pest-free.

6. Flock Gardening: Grow Your Own Chicken Food

Consider planting a chicken-friendly garden. Grow crops like sunflowers, clover, or alfalfa that chickens love to munch on. Not only will this save you money, but it’ll also provide a natural source of nutrition for your flock.

7. DIY Chicken Treats: Homemade Goodies

Get creative with DIY chicken treats. Make your own suet blocks by mixing birdseed, cornmeal, and melted suet or lard. Freeze it in a mold, and voila – a budget-friendly chicken snack that’ll keep them clucking happily.

8. Share the Load: Collaborate with Fellow Chicken Keepers

Join a local poultry enthusiasts’ group or connect with friends and neighbors who also raise chickens. You can share resources, bulk purchases, or even take turns watching each other’s flocks when someone goes on vacation.

9. Chickens on a Diet: Optimize Their Food Consumption

Don’t overfeed your chickens. Monitor their consumption, and only provide what they can finish in a day to minimize waste. Investing in a good-quality feeder that prevents spillage can save you money in the long run.

10. Barter with Your Bounty: Trade Eggs or Chickens

If you have more eggs or chickens than you can handle, consider bartering with neighbors, friends, or local farmers. Trade for fresh produce, homemade goods, or even services to keep your chicken budget in check.

Feeding your chickens on a budget doesn’t mean sacrificing their health or happiness. With a little creativity, resourcefulness, and a dash of chicken charm, you can provide your feathered companions with a nutritious diet without emptying your wallet. So, get clucking and start saving – your chickens and your bank account will thank you!

Animals, chickens

Winter Care for Happy Hens: Keeping Your Chickens Healthy and Cozy

As winter blankets the landscape with snow and chilly temperatures, your feathered friends – the chickens – require a little extra care to ensure their well-being. Just like any other season, maintaining the health and comfort of your flock during winter is vital. In this blog post, we’ll explore essential tips and practices to keep your chickens healthy, happy, and thriving through the colder months.

1. Provide Adequate Shelter:

A warm and dry coop is essential for your chickens’ winter comfort:

  • Insulation: Ensure your coop is well-insulated to prevent drafts and keep the interior temperature more stable. Preventing drafts is one of the most important things you can do to keep your chickens warm in the winter.
  • Ventilation: While insulation is important, proper ventilation is equally crucial to prevent moisture buildup and ammonia odors. Ventilation should be towards the top of the coop to keep air flow without drafts or allowing moisture to enter the coop.

2. Deep Bedding:

Bedding helps insulate the coop and provides a cozy environment:

  • Deep Layers: Use straw, wood shavings, or other bedding materials to create a thick layer on the coop floor.
  • Regular Cleaning: While deep bedding provides warmth, it’s important to keep it clean and dry to avoid mold and odors.

3. Provide Ample Food and Water:

Winter requires extra energy to stay warm, so ensure your chickens have access to plenty of food and fresh water:

  • High-Quality Feed: Feed your chickens a balanced diet rich in protein to help them maintain their body heat.
  • Heated Water: Invest in a heated waterer to prevent water from freezing and provide hydration.

4. Keep Active:

Encourage your chickens to move around and stay active even during cold weather:

  • Clear Pathways: Clear snow and ice from outdoor areas where they roam to prevent frostbite and encourage movement.
  • Dust Baths: Provide a dry area for dust baths to help keep feathers clean and free from pests.

5. Provide Extra Heat Sparingly:

Chickens are naturally equipped to handle the cold, but in extreme cold conditions, you can consider supplemental heat:

  • Safe Heaters: If you decide to use a heater, opt for safe heating options designed for coops and ensure proper ventilation. I highly discourage the use of heat lamps because of the risk of fire.
  • Avoid Overheating: Chickens can be sensitive to sudden temperature changes, so avoid drastic shifts in temperature.

6. Prevent Frostbite:

Frostbite can affect combs, wattles, and toes:

  • Apply Petroleum Jelly or Bag Balm: Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to combs and wattles to help protect against frostbite.
  • Wide Roosting Bars: Provide wide roosting bars to allow chickens to tuck their feet under their bodies and keep them warm. We use 2x4s as roosting bars to help keep their feet warm.

7. Check Health Regularly:

Regular health checks are important during winter:

  • Observe Behavior: Watch for signs of illness, such as lethargy, decreased appetite, or difficulty breathing.
  • Separate Sick Birds: If you suspect a chicken is sick, isolate it from the rest of the flock to prevent the spread of illness.

Winter care for chickens is all about creating a comfortable environment that addresses their specific needs during cold weather. By providing adequate shelter, food, water, and attention to their health, you can ensure that your feathered companions stay healthy, warm, and content throughout the winter months. With a little extra effort and care, you’ll have a flock that continues to thrive and produce even in the chilliest of seasons.

Animals, DIY, dogs, Recipes

Paws & Play: Natural Dog Treat Recipes for Canine Delight

Ladies and gentlemen, put on your aprons, preheat the oven, and get ready to embark on a culinary adventure that’ll have your canine companion wagging their tail in delight! Today, we’re serving up a feast of natural dog treats that are not only delicious but also packed with wholesome goodness. Get ready to pamper your furry friend with these homemade delights!

The ‘Pawsitively’ Perfect Ingredients

Before we start whipping up treats, let’s go over the ingredients for our canine culinary masterpieces:

  1. Peanut Butter: The nutty sensation that makes every dog do their best “scooby-doo” impression.
  2. Bananas: healthy and add natural sweetness.
  3. Pumpkin Puree: For a dash of autumnal charm and some digestive benefits that’ll keep your pup regular (no more “accidents” on the carpet).
  4. Carrots: carrots bring the zing and add vitamins for a shiny coat.
  5. Oats: The heart-healthy ingredient keeps your pup’s ticker going strong.
  6. Greek Yogurt: Great for probiotics and a creamy texture your dog will love.

If you are looking for some great molds or dough cutters – here are some I use.

“Banana Bark Biscuits”


  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/4 cup natural peanut butter


  1. Mash the bananas until smooth, like a perfectly delivered punchline.
  2. Mix in the rolled oats, applesauce, and peanut butter until you have a doughy consistency.
  3. Roll out the dough and use cookie cutters to create fun shapes. Let your inner artist shine!
  4. Place the treats on a lined baking sheet and bake at 350°F (175°C) for about 15-20 minutes, until they’re golden brown.
  5. Let them cool before sharing the laughter with your furry friend.

Pumpkin Paw-tato Chips


  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1/2 cup canned pumpkin (unsweetened and unseasoned)


  1. Slice the sweet potato into thin rounds – the thinner, the better, just like a crisp punchline.
  2. Mix the sweet potato slices with canned pumpkin.
  3. Place them on a baking sheet and bake at 250°F (120°C) for about 2 hours until they’re crispy and your dog is impatiently tapping their paw for a taste.
  4. Let them cool, and then watch your pup devour these crispy, healthy chips.

Appley Ever After Bites


  • 1 apple (make sure to remove the seeds and core)
  • 1 cup oat flour (made by blending rolled oats until fine)


  1. Dice the apple into small pieces, as if you’re chopping up an apple pie.
  2. Mix the diced apple pieces with oat flour until it forms a dough.
  3. Roll the dough into small bite-sized balls, just like little apple treasures.
  4. Place them on a baking sheet and bake at 350°F (175°C) for about 10-15 minutes.
  5. Let them cool before sharing the apple-y love with your pup.

Coconut Crunchers


  • 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1 egg


  1. In a bowl, whisk the egg until it’s as frothy as a sitcom plot twist.
  2. Mix in the shredded coconut until it forms a sticky mixture.
  3. Scoop out small portions and roll them into bite-sized balls or any shape your dog finds amusing.
  4. Bake on a parchment-lined sheet at 350°F (175°C) for 10-15 minutes until they’re golden brown.
  5. Cool them down, and let the coconut crunch-fest begin!

The Vegetable Variety Show: Pumpkin and Carrot Popsicles


  • 1/2 cup of pureed pumpkin
  • 1/2 cup of shredded carrots
  • 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt


  1. Mix the pumpkin, shredded carrots, and Greek yogurt in a bowl. Give it a good stir, like you’re practicing your dog’s “shake” command.
  2. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays and pop them in the freezer. It’s like creating your own doggy stand-up club on ice!
  3. Freeze until they’re solid, then serve your pup a frozen treat that’ll keep them “cool” as a cucumber.

A Stand-Up Act: Peanut Butter and Banana Biscuits


  • 1 cup of oats
  • 1/2 cup of mashed banana (approximately 2 ripe bananas)
  • 1/2 cup of peanut butter (make sure it’s dog-friendly and free of xylitol)
  • A dash of canine-approved humor


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the mashed bananas and peanut butter. This is the comedic duo that’ll steal the show!
  3. Gradually mix in the oats, one punchline at a time, until you have a firm dough.
  4. Roll out the dough and use cookie cutters to create fun shapes. Maybe a bone shape for your dog’s inner comedian?
  5. Place the treats on a lined baking sheet and bake for about 15 minutes or until they’re a lovely golden brown.
  6. Let them cool (because hot treats are not funny), and then watch your pup perform their best “sit” and “stay” routines for a taste test.

There you have it, folks – all natural dog treat recipes that will leave your four-legged friend howling for more! With these homemade delights, you’ll not only keep your pup’s tail wagging but also ensure they’re indulging in wholesome, natural ingredients. So, channel your inner dog chef and let the culinary adventure begin – it’s time for paws and play!

Animals, DIY, Sustainability

The Art and Science of Natural Whitewash: Beauty and Benefits for Your Home

In a world of high-tech paint and chemical finishes, there’s something charmingly rustic and timeless about the art of whitewashing. This ancient technique not only adds a touch of country chic to your home but also boasts numerous benefits for both your living space and the environment. In this blog post, we’ll delve into how to make natural whitewash and explore the many advantages it brings to your abode.

Chapter 1: What is Whitewash?

Whitewash is a simple, time-tested paint-like mixture that consists of water, lime, and pigment. Historically, it was used to brighten walls, fences, and buildings while protecting them from pests and weathering. Today, it’s making a comeback as a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to modern paints and finishes. I use whitewash primarily in my animal shelters. It’s way more eco-friendly than painting, safe for the animals and has many benefits.

Chapter 2: Making Your Own Natural Whitewash



  1. Safety First: Lime is caustic, so protect yourself with gloves and goggles when handling it. Work in a well-ventilated area.
  2. Mixing Lime: Adding water slowly until it turns into a smooth paste.
  3. Diluting Lime: Mix the lime paste (or hydrated lime) with water to create a thick, creamy consistency. You can add more lime or water as needed to create the consistency you are wanting. I usually aim to get it to the thickness of paint or slightly thicker.
  4. Application: Apply the whitewash to your chosen surface using a brush, roller, or sprayer. Apply multiple coats for greater coverage.
  5. Drying: Whitewash dries relatively quickly, but it may take a few days to fully cure. Avoid exposing it to rain or excessive moisture during this time.

Chapter 3: Benefits of Natural Whitewash

Now that you know how to make whitewash, let’s explore why you should consider it for your home:

  1. Eco-Friendly: Natural whitewash is environmentally friendly, containing no harmful chemicals commonly found in commercial paints. It’s a sustainable choice for eco-conscious homeowners.
  2. Breathability: Whitewash allows surfaces to breathe, preventing moisture buildup and the growth of mold and mildew. It’s an ideal choice for damp or humid areas.
  3. Protection: Whitewash acts as a protective barrier against pests and weathering, extending the life of wood, brick, and other surfaces.
  4. Cooling Effect: The reflective nature of whitewash can help keep interiors cooler in hot climates, reducing the need for air conditioning.
  5. Aesthetic Appeal: Whitewash adds a charming, rustic look to interiors and exteriors. It can be used to achieve various styles, from farmhouse chic to Mediterranean elegance.
  6. Cost-Effective: Making your own whitewash is cost-effective, and lime is readily available and affordable.
  7. Low Maintenance: Whitewash is easy to maintain. You can touch up areas as needed without the hassle of matching paint colors.

Natural whitewash is not just a coating for your walls; it’s a time-honored technique that connects us to our heritage and the environment. By learning to make your own whitewash and understanding its benefits, you can enhance your living space while embracing sustainable practices and timeless aesthetics. So, pick up your lime and paintbrush, and let the whitewashing adventure begin!

Animals, chickens

Cluck-tastic Chronicles: The Egg-sasperating Adventures of Raising Chickens

Greetings, fellow poultry enthusiasts, or should I say, “egg-ceptional” humans? Don’t unfollow me please. Today, we’re going to dive headfirst into the hilarious world of raising chickens. If you’ve ever considered turning your backyard into a feathered fiesta, or if you’re already knee-deep in feathers and coop cleaning, you’ll relate to the egg-sasperating adventures I’m about to share.

1. Chicken Math: The New ‘Common Core’

You thought math was tough in school? Try calculating the number of chickens you need. First, it’s just a “baker’s dozen,” and before you know it, you’re considering a second coop to accommodate your newfound feathered friends. But don’t worry, chicken math is a lot more forgiving and way more fun than algebra! I can tell you this firsthand since I homeschool some of my children. My husband agreed to three chickens. Within 6 weeks I had 12 chickens. I now have 45 chickens. Because chicken math.

My first “three” chickens.

2. The Great Escape Artists

Chickens are notorious escape artists, and they approach it with the cunning of a secret agent. I’ve seen hens execute daring daylight breakouts like they’re auditioning for a spy movie. Be prepared for regular renditions of “The Great Chicken Escape,” complete with feathered fugitives, a high-speed chase, and your neighbors giving you strange looks. One night one of our kids came knocking on our door to tell us she heard a chicken outside her window. I think, “impossible that chicken coop is Fort Knox”. Low and behold there’s a chicken in our driveway bocking away. To this day we have no idea how she escaped or why at 1am she decided to sing the egg song outside the window. By the way – there were no eggs laid that night nor any other chickens out.

3. Chicken Fashion: A Thing We Never Knew We Needed

When it comes to fashion, chickens are way ahead of the curve. They’ve got natural tuxedos (black and white feathers), punk-rock mohawks (Silkies), and feathered pantaloons (Polish chickens). Forget Paris Fashion Week; your coop is where it’s at!

4. Coop Cleaning: A Never-Ending Task

Raising chickens means facing the never-ending struggle of coop cleaning. It’s like trying to tidy up after a toddler’s birthday party every single day. Just when you think you’ve got it spotless, your feathered friends decide to redecorate with fresh bedding. Expect to become an expert in chicken poop disposal – a skill no one ever adds to their resume.

5. Chicken TV: The Ultimate Reality Show

Who needs Netflix when you have Chicken TV? Spend hours watching your feathered friends peck at bugs, have intense conversations with the neighbor’s cat, and perform spontaneous dust baths that make you question your own personal hygiene choices.

6. Chicken Therapy

Forget expensive therapists; chickens are the ultimate emotional support animals. They listen to your woes without judgment, provide a daily dose of adorable antics, and even lay eggs to cheer you up. Just try to stay grumpy when you’re holding a warm, freshly laid egg. It’s impossible.

7. The Egg Hunt: Easter Every Day

Every morning is like an Easter egg hunt when you’re raising chickens. But instead of colorful plastic eggs filled with candy, you’re hunting for freshly laid eggs hidden in the most unexpected places. It’s a daily adventure that keeps you on your toes.

8. Chicken Shenanigans

Chickens have a knack for getting into the most ridiculous situations. Whether they’re perched on top of the swing set, pretending to be raptors from Jurassic Park, or attempting to master yoga poses that would put a contortionist to shame, their antics will leave you laughing or crying or both.

Raising chickens is a cluck-tastic adventure filled with laughter, love, and a whole lot of feathers. It’s like living in your very own poultry-themed sitcom, complete with quirky characters and unforgettable moments. So, if you’re considering adding some feathered friends to your life, go ahead and take the plunge into the hilarious world of chicken-raising. Just be prepared for a few egg-sasperating adventures along the way!

Animals, chickens

Happy Hens: Exploring the Best Herbs to Boost Your Chickens’ Health and Well-Being

When it comes to raising backyard chickens, their health and happiness are top priorities. Did you know that certain herbs can play a significant role in enhancing your chickens’ overall well-being? From promoting good digestion to deterring pests, incorporating these natural wonders into your coop and yard can lead to healthier, happier hens. In this blog post, we’re delving into the world of herbs and sharing the best ones to consider for your feathered friends.

1. Oregano: Boosting Immunity and Digestion

Oregano is a powerhouse herb known for its antimicrobial properties. When offered to chickens, it can help support their immune systems and aid in digestion. You can offer fresh oregano leaves, or even dry and crush them to mix with their feed.

2. Lavender: Calming and Pest-Repelling

Lavender’s soothing aroma isn’t just for humans. Chickens can benefit from its calming effects, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Additionally, lavender’s fragrance acts as a natural pest repellent, keeping bothersome insects at bay.

3. Mint: Cooling and Digestive

Mint offers more than just a refreshing scent – it can help cool your chickens in hot weather. Furthermore, mint aids in digestion and can contribute to overall gut health. Offer fresh mint leaves in their coop or as a treat.

4. Thyme: Respiratory and Antibacterial

Thyme is a natural respiratory aid and can help chickens with any respiratory issues they may face. Its antibacterial properties can also contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment in the coop.

5. Rosemary: Stimulating and Repelling

Rosemary’s invigorating aroma can stimulate your chickens’ senses, encouraging activity and exploration. Additionally, rosemary can deter pests and parasites, making it a valuable addition to your coop and yard.

6. Sage: Egg-Laying and Antioxidant

Sage is believed to have properties that support healthy egg-laying. Its antioxidant properties can also contribute to your chickens’ overall well-being. Offer sage in moderation as a treat or add it to their nesting boxes.

7. Parsley: Nutrient-Rich and Fresh Breath

Parsley is rich in vitamins and minerals that can supplement your chickens’ diet. Plus, its chlorophyll content can help freshen their breath. Chop up fresh parsley and offer it as a nutrient-packed treat.

8. Marigold: Vibrant Yolks and Pest Control

Marigold petals can enhance the color of your chickens’ egg yolks, giving them a deep, rich hue. Additionally, marigolds can repel certain pests and add a pop of color to your chicken area.

How to Offer Herbs:

  • Fresh Leaves: Offer herbs directly to your chickens as part of their daily foraging.
  • Hanging Bundles: Hang bundles of herbs in the coop for chickens to peck at.
  • Coop Bedding/nesting box: Scatter dried herbs in the coop bedding to enhance the scent and repel pests.

Embracing the power of herbs in your backyard chicken keeping routine can bring about a range of benefits – from improved digestion and respiratory health to pest control and stress reduction. By introducing these natural remedies, you’re not only enhancing the quality of your chickens’ lives but also fostering a holistic approach to their well-being. As you incorporate these herbs into your coop and yard, you’ll witness firsthand the positive impact they can have on your happy hens.

Animals, chickens

Top 5 Reasons Why to Raise Chickens and How to Get Started

Raising chickens should not be a fuss. There are actually several reasons why people want to cultivate chickens in their backyard. Some of these are written below.

Reason # 1 Chickens love leftovers.

A chickens appetite is incredible. They can eat almost everything, even their own kind! You can now say bye-bye to those unwanted leftovers being left rotten in your fridge. You feel less guilty of throwing them out into the garbage can. Plus, you can save on chicken feed. But be very careful with what you give for it may be their last supper. Tone down on the onions and garlic.

Reason #2 Eggs!

Who doesnt love eggs? Have them boiled, scrambled, sunny side up, etc. Admit it, pets that live comfortably inside your houses dont give anything more than barks, meows, purrs, and sometimes, chirp. Fishes, in general, can be eaten, but who would want to eat Goldie? None of these domesticated animals produce something edible. Well, chickens, on the other hand, have lots of benefits. One of the many benefits chickens give is their egg. 

Who doesnt love eggs? Have them boiled, scrambled, sunny side up, etc. Admit it, pets that live comfortably inside your houses dont give anything more than barks, meows, purrs, and sometimes, chirp. Fishes, in general, can be eaten, but who would want to eat Goldie? None of these domesticated animals produce something edible. Well, chickens, on the other hand, have lots of benefits. One of the many benefits chickens give is their egg. 

You can eat fresh eggs right from the source. Eggs taken from chickens minutes or hours ago are more tasty and nutritious than those purchased in the grocery store. Youll notice the texture and color is way different than that of the fresh ones.  We have a variety of different breeds of chickens that all lay different colors which makes it more fun for the kids (and us!).

Reason #3 Source of natural fertilizers

Your lawn or backyard couldve never looked better. Chickens love to freely walk around. Chickens also love to peck on anything they see that can be considered as food. And what is food to them? Possibly anything thats organic. If you let your chickens roam around your space, youll find out how reliable they can be. They eat pests living in your backyard grubs, beetles, insects, earwigs, and anything that comes close.

After the digestion has set its due, they will transform what theyve eaten into poop. But this is not just any kind of poop but a treasure called natural fertilizer. And you know what natural fertilizers do right? They keep the soil healthy for plants to grow. Cool. 

Reason #4 Low Maintenance Pets

Unlike dogs that need combing and brushing everyday to keep their fur alive and shiny, chickens doesnt need such soulful treatment. All you have to do is provide them their daily needs like food and water. You also have to clean their pad at least twice a month and change the beddings too. In return, you can gather all the eggs. Aside from just gathering, you can also start a small business of your own by supplying poultry stores with fresh eggs or chicken meat.

Reason #5 Grass and weed clippers

Got that right. Now you can save on mowing your own lawn by getting yourself chickens! For chickens, grasses, weeds, and leaves are treats. Its like a lifetime dessert offering. Its like having a cow in your own backyard. They will dig through whatever it is without even complaining about the hard work. Chickens will clip it then clean it all at the same time.

With these reasons, why bother getting yourself a dog or a cat? No offense but they cant even water the plants nor lay eggs for breakfast. All they do is prove to their masters that they are either ones best friends. In cases of chickens, you can have a best friend, a lawn mower, a supplier of organic fertilizer and an egg producer all in one.

So how do you get started?

Certain equipments must already be present upon the arrival of the chickens in your own backyard. You have to be geared up before presenting your not so baby chicks outside the world. The transition period can be quite stressful therefore being prepared can help you rid of half of the stress.

You have to purchase a lot of items for your chicks to stay comfortable from where they would lay. You need to pamper them so that when selling or butchering day comes, there are no regrets. 

1. Food

Without this, who will live? The food you will give will entirely depend on the kind of chicken that you have. But to sum it up, just give something that is complete. It must contain the right food substance that your chickens will need like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and minerals and if the budget can still take it, buy them vitamins. There are two kinds of feeds: conventional and organic. Either of the two can be purchased online or at an agricultural poultry store. We choose Scratch and Peck foods for our chickens.

If the time has come for your chickens to lay eggs or is about 20 weeks old, purchase a layer feed. But if they are younger than 20 weeks, starter or grower feed is highly recommended. 

2. Waterer and Feeder

Purchase a waterer and feeder that are suspended from the ground if possible. They should hang at least a couple inches off it. A very good advantage when purchasing such items is that they will prevent your chickens from jumping on top of it and smudging off their feet filled with feces inside the container. An automatic refill feature is also included which is very reliable during times when you have to go somewhere and will take you a couple of days before you come back. Worry-free. 

Our favorite water is one with little refillable cups. Our chickens love to use this, almost year round. During the really cold months, we use a heated waterer. Remember that food and water should be left outside of the coop to avoid unwanted visitors (rodents) and frostbite during the winter. The increased humidity in the coop is the top culprit of frostbite for chickens.

3. Bed

Yes, no matter how absurd it seems, you have to provide them with the proper bedding to keep them warm, comfortable, healthy and happy. But this doesnt mean that you have to buy them sheets from Best Buy. Beddings can be in the form of a pile of clean haystack, old or used newspapers, or if you wanted it to be extra special, there are beddings that can be bought online or in a poultry store. 

Beddings are best inside the coop where it can provide chickens a soft surface to roam around with. Beddings are also beneficial for your flock because it absorbs the odor and droppings. You dont want a foul-smelling coop, right? Another advantage of the bedding is that is saves the eggs from cracking making it an area where eggs are safe to land. 

Our favorite is hemp bedding. There are so many reasons we love it!

  • GIVE YOUR PETS THE POSHEST PAD – Premium Hemp Fiber is the highest quality bedding you can provide for your pets. Super warm, cozy and comfortable, Hemp Bedding is loved by a wide variety of animals big and small.
  • SUPERIOR QUALITIES – Hemp bedding is highly absorbent meaning less mess and less odor. A high thermal rating means your animals will stay warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Low dust means cleaner, fresher air to breathe.
  • LONGER LIFE = LESS EXPENSE – Hemp bedding lasts much longer than traditional paper and wood bedding materials making it the economical choice. When it does finally expire, hemp bedding makes great compost!
  • GREAT FOR PETS AND THE PLANET – Hemp grows super fast, needs very little water or fertilizer and no pesticides making it the eco-friendly and sustainable choice. Naturally Processed and free of chemicals and dyes.

There are a lot of bedding varieties. But whatever the bedding that youve chosen, always make it a point that it is at least two inches thick and is truly absorbent. 

4. Dust Baths

If you see your chickens digging a shallow hole and creating a mess with dirt, they are dust bathing! Chickens enjoy bathing in dust. But did you know that when chickens take dust baths, they are actually protecting themselves from parasites and those creatures that find it interesting to live inside their legs and feathers. Therefore, it is necessary to have dust baths.

If you have a dry area in your chicken run that has patches of fresh ground, its the perfect spot to do their thing. But if your pen consists of entirely cement, worry not, because there are artificial dust baths (like this one) available in agricultural stores.